Important Update and Move

Thank you for visiting Replace The Ace, a binder program for the FTM community.

Please head over to our new website at to find out more about the program, how to donate, and… drum roll please… 

 Our binder applications have been reopened! 

In addition to this, binder verifications will remain open through July. On July 31st, all OLD requests will expire. Binder verifications will act as NEW requests, with priority based on original request date (as long as we can verify there was an original request).

326 thoughts on “Important Update and Move

  1. Hi I’m jaiden, I really need a binder but I’m too scared to ask my parents for one as they aren’t very supportive, the only way I could get one is if it is free because I don’t have a card or PayPal.i was really hoping to get one before school starts but that won’t happen but I hope to get one soon or one day. Thanks

  2. Hi, my name is Ryland, I came here bc I lost my job do to health issues and I no longer have enough money for a binder. I am hoping to get one bc I have bad dysphoria. Also, my mom says I’m on my own and this place was highly recommended. Hope to get one one day! Thanks

  3. I’m genderfluid and my family is not supportive at all; I’m a teen and just entered high school. On some days I’ve been trying to pass as male and I just feel ridiculous because it’s obvious I’m not. This is really making me feel insecure and like I’m wrong for feeling this way. there’s no chance that my family would buy one for me or let me buy one and if found with it I would be punished but it would help me be more secure in my identity. Thanks.

  4. Hi! My name is Jay and I have been struggling with my body ever since puberty. I’ve tried binding with everything but I’ve had a broken rub since. My dysphoria makes my life a constant hell, I’m also not out and need a safer way to bind. My family is in a lot of debt at the moment and had very little income, this would mean so much to me.

  5. Hey, my name’s nathan. Im a transguy and im starting highschool tomorrow. By the time you see this, i should already be in highschool. I decided to be out as trans in highschool but not to my parents because theyre clearly transphobic and even if they were supportive theyre in a financial struggle rn and cant afford me a binder anyways so im trying to get one on my own. Since im going to be out in highschool, i want to pass as well as i possibly can and for that i need to bind. I currently bind with an old training bra i grew out of and a non-strap thats not my size. It gets the job done, but its painful and im afraid im binding incorrectly and i might hurt myself so i could really use a real binder. Thanks for reading this if you did.

  6. My close friend Mackenzie come out as Finn a while back and it absolutely broke my heart when he talked to me about how he hated him body and all the pretending to be a girl. I would do anything for he but sadly I can’t afford to buy him the amazing binder he deserves. Im trying everything to get him a binder. Thank you

  7. Hey, my names Kyle, and I really need a binder. I was wondering if ya could help me get one. My parents aren’t supportive and won’t get me one! Please it would mean so much to me. Thank you!

  8. Hey, my name’s Tobi. I recently came out to my mom as a trans guy, and she wants to keep it hushed up. I came out to my school last year and everybody thinks I’m depressed. That’s because I am. My disphoria has gotten so bad lately, I just want to chop off these meat bags on my chest, steal thousands of dollars and run up to the nearest surgeon and ask for a dick. But I can’t. If anyone is actually reading this comment, the please help me! Thanks.

  9. Hey my name is Brayona Moss. I’m 20 years old. Due to mental health issues, I lost my job. My chest is relatively big so I’ve been searching for ways to make them at least appear smaller. Not having a job, that’s hard to do. I experience extreme dysphoria when I go out in public and I’ve become very concerned with wanting to pass. As of right now I layer 4 or 5 tank tops just to try to curb my dysphoria for the time being. I heard about binders from a trans group I’m in on Facebook and got excited about it until I saw how much one my size would cost me. I’m hoping you can help me with me somehow. My family won’t because they said holding them down was bad for my health. But they don’t understand how I feel on a daily basis. Thank you.

  10. Hi my name is Kathryn but I go by branden.. My parents are not supportive of me being trans at all..and I’m currently using ace wrap to bind because I’m afraid to ask my parents to get me a binder and I can’t afford one.. Please help me get a binder..thanks…

  11. Hey, my name is Abby but I prefer the name Olliver. I am agender, and have terrible Dysphoria regarding my top half. I am terrified to ask my parents for a binder, so I have been trying to get one on my own. I’ve used ace bandages a few times, but they hurt. Please help me.

  12. Hey, my name is Kieu but i go by Nicolas. I am ftm transgender and a binder would help me pass more as male and make me less dysphoric.

  13. Hi my name is Magda and I am an androgynous person and want to get a binder to try and pass as a guy in and out of school but my mom doesn’t seem like the right person to ask and I can’t afford a binder I also don’t want to get caught wearing it by my mom it would mean so much if you could help me get a binder. Thank you

  14. Hi, I’m Jacob and I’m looking to get a binder. I’ve tried all the free Instagram competitions and other things as so with no luck whatsoever. I recently turned eighteen, supporting myself as best I can, however there’s no money left at the end of the day for a binder. I have no one to go to for financial help with transgender based products and I just want to feel normal. Thank you for your time and consideration.

  15. Hi I’m B I am genderfluid and really need a binder my family is not supported of LGBT at all so they won’t let me one. I’ve been using ace bandages and ask for a binder alot telling them a binder is safer than bandages but they don’t care because bined so often it has been really hurting my breasts and making it hard to breath very hard to breath because I have breathing and heart issue already! I just really need a binder thank you

  16. hello! my name is Alex and I’m struggling very severely with dysphoria and I can’t afford a binder right now and I’m not passing very well anymore and it’s making me insecure.

  17. I am a gender fluid in high school and would like to feel more like myself but i don’t have the support or money to get one. Please help.

  18. Hello, I’m Reagan and I identify as a genderfluid person. Some days I’m my “alter ego” Ryan. I wear a binne, my most guyish shirt and adress myself as Ryan. But, my bust seems to be getting slightly bigger and my ‘Ryan’ shirts are gitting a bit too tight. I want a binder to sent myself free. I want to be known as Ryan when I’m feeling masculinit. But a binder can’t do that all on it’s own, however a binder would allow me to not be afraid of being me. And then I may be able to telling my friends and family that I am tired of pretending to be just a girl. And that if I feel masculine, then goddamn let me show the world that.

    Dang. That was not what I was expecting from myself.
    Anyways, please consider my request people of ReplaceTheAce.


  19. I been going through alot after coming out. I have no other way to gain a binder because my parents don’t support,accept or are willing to give me money to buy one. I am 16 and i am always depressed because of my boobs. I know a binder could really fix not all my problems but help my self esteem alot. I need to finally stand up to everyone and what better way then to feel comfortable in my body for the first time.

  20. Hi I’m lauryn I’m a 12 year old trans and I haven’t told my parents and i know they’re not very supportive so I cannot get one myself so I was hoping you guys could help me I’ve heard a lot of things about replacetheace so I hope you can help

  21. my dysphoria is literally tearing me apart right now and my parents are super unsupportive so they can’t get me a binder so I’m using ace bandages and they are so painful but it’s the only way I can cope right now

  22. Hi, I’m demi gender and a lot of times I have dysphoria about my chest. I know I’m not a full on trans male and I probably don’t need it as much as others would, but I would like to have a binder bc atm I’m using ace bandages and I know it’s not safe but I just like to have a flat(er) chest.

  23. Hi! My name is Tabi, I’m genderfluid and my family is unsupportive of it. I struggle a lot with dysphoria on the days when I am a guy because of my chest.

  24. Hi, my best friend is extremely disphoric and I feel so bad that he isn’t comfortable in his own body and his parents won’t let him buy and sort of actual safe binder or start t because it’s too expensive and if I had the money I’d buy it but I’m not really in a good financial situation either so it would really help if he could have one. He isn’t entering anything here because he is afraid to ask for help from anyone so I decided to ask for him, with his permission.

  25. Hi. It’s been over a year since I came out to my parents. However, if I even mention a binder they immediately say no, and guilt me into submission. I honestly want one so bad. My dysphoria has gotten even worse since I came here last. Every time I look down, I’m reminded of what I used to be, and it sucks. I feel as if I’m teetering on the edge of a fence, one way is happiness and the other is depression. And right now, it seems like I’m going to fall in to the depression side and never get back out. A binder would help me tremendously with my mental health. Thanks, Oscar

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